Where there’s help,
there’s hope.

Dairy Farmers of Canada

Brand Strategy, Integrated National Brand Campaign

Help Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) provide national support to Food Banks Canada in a time of critical need - at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic when the lockdowns and economic downturn put tremendous pressure on food banks across Canada.


The insight for the brand transformation was to rally a “nation of neighbourhoods” to help support those in need. To accomplish this, we showed how Canadians, along with Canada’s dairy farmers, are coming together at a time when we need each other the most. Neighbours helping neighbours. Canadians connecting to basic human values.


Unprecedented times called for an unprecedented campaign, so DFC needed a brand spot that really stood out from all of their other advertising and messaging. To achieve this, we worked with Randell Adjei, just before he was named Ontario’s first Poet Laureate, to help give our campaign a voice and inspiring tone.



Transforming Frozen Food into Fine Dining.


Discover your roots.